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Parasitic control

Skin parasites can be unpleasant and are not normal. Fleas make your pets and you, uncomfortable and itchy, ticks can be life-threatening.


Intestinal worms are at best uncomfortable and if left untreated can make your pet very ill. They are also zoonotic (transfer between pets and people), so don't forget to worm your pets and your human family regularly.


Heartworm is carried by mosquitoes and can be life-threatening for your pets if left untreated.

The paralysis tick is also another parasite that we need to be careful about especially during the Australian warm weather.

We stock an effective range of products for treating and preventing these common parasites namely Nexgard, Bravecto, Advocate, and revolution.  If you're not sure, the team can provide advice on the best product to use. We will provide the most appropriate product for your specific needs – not just products promoted by pet shops,  drug companies or celebrity vets. â€‹



Vaccinations are an effective and essential part of keeping our pets healthy as they prevent some dreadful and deadly diseases.


Diseases like Parvovirus, Distemper and Feline Enteritis are kept under control due to vaccinations 

Whatever species of pet (dog, cats, or rabbits) vaccinations are vital for protection. There are specific vaccinations for different species and the routine and timing for each varies on the species and age of your pet. Usually, we start with a series of puppy and kitten shots (from 6 to 8wks of age to 16wks of age) then regular boosters throughout the course of our pet's life. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

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​​A microchip is a small inert device similar in size and shape to a grain of rice. It is injected under the skin through a needle under the loose skin at the back of your pet's neck.


The chip has a number, a bit like a barcode, that can be read by a scanner so if your animal is ever lost, any vet anywhere can locate the owner’s details quickly. 


Microchipping is compulsory in most states of Australia including NSW.


Remember it’s up to you to update your contact numbers and email etc. if you move. If your pet goes missing it is really important to have your current details up-to-date on the registry. This can be done through your local council or through the NSW Pet Register or ask us how to do this, we're happy to help.

Pet Nutrition

​In veterinary medicine, a common treatment is often a prescription diet.

These foods have been researched and developed for specific diseases. Using them helps us to manipulate the disease to improve a patient’s health.


The best-known examples are k/d for animals with failing kidneys and j/d which has multiple added nutrients for arthritis. These foods really do work to improve patient health outcomes. They often add months or even years to a pet’s life. 


Weight Loss is necessary for many of our patients – too much of the good life – and we can achieve exceptional results if you follow our advice! Obesity is as common in pets as it is in people and results in similar health problems. The most upsetting result of obesity is the reduction in agility and mobility, meaningless play, and less fun. A long walk is a joyful thing for a dog and obese dogs miss out on this.


 We give advice and gentle encouragement. Bring your pet in for free regular weigh-ins so we can celebrate the weight-loss journey with you and your pet. Call us to make an appointment with our nurses.

Image by Taylor Kopel
Image by Karsten Winegeart
Dental Health

Dental health is important for general health and well-being, and dental disease can be painful and smelly. Bad breath is not normal!


Many diseases can be complicated by poor dental health. Look out for halitosis, salivation, and possibly difficulty when eating, although usually pets will bravely tolerate pain and bad smell without complaint. This can be a hidden disease and many animals suffer as a result. 


Specially designed dry foods are amazing for maintaining healthy teeth and gums, and also we have food and water additives, teeth-brushing, treats and toys that can be easy and useful. However, plaque and calculus gradually accumulate and dental cleaning is required.


Prevention is essential, but if necessary, we offer a full range of dental care from  cleaning and dental surgery. 

General Anaesthesia

Our modern anesthetic machines use Isoflurane. Our anesthetics  are carefully and continuously monitored by experienced veterinary nurses and veterinarians and a combination of sensitive monitoring machines.


Anesthetics do involve some risk, but the combination of a thorough physical examination, blood tests, and of course, focused use of pain relief results in the safest, smoothest anesthetic and comfortable recovery.

Image by Krista Mangulsone

Our clinic pathology equipment provides hi-tech, rapid blood and urine testing.


Pre-Anesthetic blood testing is important for all patients undergoing a General anesthetic. This testing gives us a deeper insight into your pet’s inner health and is used to detect invisible health problems to ensure a safer anesthetic.

These tests can also provide important information during consultations to accelerate diagnosis.


​For more complex cases we send samples to an external Veterinary Pathology Laboratory for investigations by specialist pathologist


Our sterile surgery theatre is where we perform all types of sterile surgery including desexing, biopsy, tumour removal, exploratory surgery, caesareans, some eye surgery, orthopaedics surgery, and more.


Sometimes we bring in a specialist surgeon for more complex cases which means your pet gets specialist-level surgery but with the convenience and cost-benefit of staying in your local hospital.


All our surgical equipment and instruments are disinfected and sterilised before and after every use using an autoclave. 



Image by Oscar Sutton
Black Dog

The most difficult and important decision you will make during your pet’s life will be deciding when to euthanise (also known as being put-to-sleep). We promise to be as supportive and helpful as we possibly can.


Dealing with death is not easy, but euthanasia can help prevent suffering and pain so we think it’s an amazing gift. For your pet it involves having a painless i/v injection of an anesthetic, hence the term ‘putting to sleep’. We can provide this at the Hospital and can make exceptions for house visits pending COVID restrictions.

​We have access to an individual cremation service, too. We can organise the cremation process and the return of ashes in the vessel of your choice.


There is a range of different urns and boxes available, with plaques and photo frames as well.

​If you sense that the time is approaching, please start a conversation with us well in advance, as this means you can make well-informed decisions before the final decision is made.


Radiology is very useful for the diagnosis of thoracic, abdominal and orthopaedic problems. 


In some cases, external referral may be made to a specialist for radiology and review.


Fun fact - Ultrasound technology was invented in Australia!


Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure and exceptionally useful for scanning the heart and abdomen for all sorts of problems.


It can also be used to guide needle biopsies in the case of potential tumors.


We generally use specialists who travel around Sydney with their amazing machines, with occasional referrals to nearby ultrasonographers or specialists.

Yawning Cat
Veterinarian with Dog
Specialist Referral

We can do most diagnostic tests and hospital treatments right here at our clinic, but there are some cases that require specialist care or expensive technology. This is when we will offer or recommend a referral to a specialist veterinary center.


Depending on your pets needs, the specialists then refer the patient back to us and will provide post-visit communication to ensure continuing high-level treatment for your pet.

Pain Management

We always consider the possibility of pain, even in patients where it might not be obvious.


We will always recommend excellent pain control in our hospital, and for use at home, both for painful procedures and for problems that might cause chronic pain, for example - cancer, arthritis, etc.


Some types of pain can also be relieved using bandaging, softer bedding and warmth, etc. we will explain any recommendations we make to assist in controlling your pet's pain for a better quality of life.

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